ENG 101.0800
Miss. Bogacka
Gladys Otavalo
December 10, 2010
1) What was the one assignment that was fun to do and why?
I believe the fun assignment was about my worst date because it was funny to know the worst date of all my classmates and how they felt about it.
2) What was the one assignment that made you learn something about something? What was that "something" you learned?
I strongly think research paper #1 provide a lot of knowledge about the relationship between magazine advertisements and strong masculinity. Furthermore, it taught us how an masculine image creates and reflects the true message in advertisements
3) What was the one assignment that you did not care for? why?
I sincerelly cared to develop about every assignment on time because it provided me the opportunity to learn more about writing.
4) Do you think, overall, Blogger was a useful tool for this class? In what ways?
Yes blogger was very usefull. Even though I could not connect another website, it was really interesting and important for me for posting my assignments.
5.) Describe one kind of assignment or task that we did NOT do that you either did on your own (say, customizing your blog, adding gadgets), OR an assignment you would have liked to have done, or a type of assignment you would have liked to have done more of?
I was satisfied with the overall class. Unfortunately, I could not do something else in my blog, but it helped me to be connected to the assignments, the exams, dates for presenting assignments and everything about the class.
Customizing your blog was not a requirement so do not worry abou it. But what do you mean by "I could not connect another website"? You have our class blog on your list of blogs but why didn't you add all your classmates' blogs to the list?