Friday, September 24, 2010

Formal Outline

I  1st.- Supporting Point.- The product is weights to exercise
  A.-Example.- A product advertised in Men's Fitness Magazine
  1.- Further Detail.- It is small and is for muscles of the arms, the back and others.
  2.- Further Detail.- It hardens the men's body
  B.- Analysis.- It is only created on for men's body and his apparence.

II 2nd.- Supporting Point .- The product has excellent strategies for getting a strong male body.
   A.-Example.- It has a specific daily routine by getting good results.
    1.- Further Detail.- Its routine include weekends.                                                                                 
    2.- Further Detail.- Each day is a different  and harder routine exercise.
    B.- Analysis.- It is very efficient if it is used in the right way.

II 3rd.- Supporting Point .-The men must have a healthy habits.
    A.-Example.- The men must eat any healthy food low fat and a good time to rest.  
    1.- Further Detail.- His diet is salad, vegetables, and a lot of water.
    2.- Further Detail.- He must have a specific time to go to rest.
    B.- Analysis.- It allow the men's body looks better and healthier.

Friday, September 17, 2010

16.- As a child, chances are I was encouraged to be more active and outgoing than my sisters.

Unfortunatelly, in the past, people had a wrong concept about boys and girls. They always thought that the boys were stronger that girls  in many areas like job, house, education or responsability. In fact, many children grew thinking that the man is the only person who must work and bring money at home and the women must be dedicated  to her house and childrens.

I sincerely think that today the life has changed  and it is different and wonderful