Monday, November 29, 2010

First Draft Research Paper #2

ENG 101.0800
Gladys Otavalo
Miss. Bogacka
November 29, 2010

For centuries, the diversity of masculinities has created a big difference between genres where man reflected power and woman a lot of obedience. Today, many people think that there is no longer a macho masculinity in society because women and men have the same right to achieve their purposes. However, others think that the role of the male is always and will be the authority in the family. For instance, in the article Chicano Men and Masculinity by Zinn refers the case of Chicano man, his machista behavior has not changed at all; unlike he remains being aggressive, dominant and machismo. Unfortunately, the behavior of Chicano man's aggressive behavior is incorrect and inappropriate because it is affecting the development and growth of children and young man, the Chicano man's personality  is developing an inadequate social entity in children and young men and finally  his authoritarian behavior has marginalized  him from participating in society.
 The first reason is that male behavior is creating obstacles in the development and growth of children. The aggressive and dominant authority exercised by the Chicano men is impeding their children develop their own thoughts, feelings and opinions toward different situations of life. In fact, in the article Chicano Men and Masculinity by Zinn reflects the negative consequence caused by a macho attitude. "The Society scientists maintain that this rigid male-dominated family structure has negative personality Consequences for the Development of Mexican American Children. It fails to engender achievement, Independence, self-reliance or self-worth-values Which Are Highly esteem in American society”(24). In addition, there is an interesting book called Against Machismo: Young Adults Voices in Mexico City where reflects a considerable evidence that the healthy human personality develops from the infancy to a mature organism in adulthood. "The man's power, or machismo, in Mexico is a farce. It exists, yes, the act of saying, I am the, macho because I say how things are done, and when I get home I can hit you, to his wife and children" Ramirez (76). Thus, improper behavior Chicano man is developing an inadequate personality in their own children and young man, creating an aggressive and inappropriate behavior toward society.
Second, the exaggerated masculine behavior of the Chicano is developing an inadequate social entity in children and young men.  El Chicano has a thought wrong about children development in society, which makes him act in an authoritarian, aggressive and domineering way towards his children and young man. Although all Chicano children and young have equal rights, skills, abilities and goals in life, sadly the chicano boys and young men must have a powerful, aggressive and dominant personality toward society. According the Zinn' article says: "The father is the unquestioned patriarch- the family provider, protector and judge.  His word is law and demands strict obedience." (24) This strict obedience and respect not only from the wife, but from the children too. Therefore, one of the definitions of machismo is an exhilarating sense of power or strength which is pushing children and young men to develop this exhilarating sense of power, strength and an aggressiveness behavior in society.
 Finally, the authoritarian behavior of Chicano men is obligating children and young men to be excluded and marginalized from participating in society. In recent years, the Chicano has been marginalized and excluded from society for his inadequate (machista) behavior. Today, the Chicano just demands respect and obedience for himself. Consequently, he cannot develop or perform specific activities in important areas because his personality pushed him to be ignored and marginalized by society. According the Zinn' article says: "In the eagerness to dispute machismo the negative characteristics associated with the trait, critics have tended to neglect the phenomenon of male dominance at societal, institutional and interpersonal levels." Zinn(26). Accordingly, the book Healing from Violence: Latino Men's Journey to a New Masculinity by Welland contains important evidence about how the machista behavior affects the children lives. "Microsystems or societal level of violence is to be found in the forms of social organization, belief systems, and lifestyles that make up a culture or subculture. At this level are found attitudes toward the use of force in conflict resolution, the concept of roles, rights, and responsibilities in the family, beliefs regarding power and obedience, and cultural beliefs and values about men.”(24). Therefore, Chicano men must take responsibility for themselves, develop a deeper estimation of themselves and respect for others, and learn coping skills that will lead to greater resilience and effectiveness at work, without the use of violence. In this way, the Chicano children and young men develop an adequate personality in society.
In conclusion, the aggressive, domineering and authoritarian behavior of the Chicano men is affecting his children lives and young men for developing and working in a crucial way. Consequently, his incorrect behavior will conduct to negative consequences in the society.
                                            Works Cited
Ramirez, Josue. Against Machismo: Young Adult Voices in Mexico. New York, NY, USA: Berghahn Books, 2008. Print.
Welland, Christauria and Ribner, Neil. Healing from Violenc : Latino Men's Journey to a New  Masculinity. New York, NY, USA: Springer Publishing Company, 2007. Print.
Zinn, Maxine Baca. “Chicano Men and Masculinity.” Men’s Lives. 5th ed. Michael S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner eds. New York: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 24-32. Print.

Annotated Biography

ENG 101.0800
Gladys Otavalo
Prof. Bogacka
November 29, 2010

Thesis: The machista behavior creates and develop an inadequate social identity in children, it  also develops an aggressive and dominant personality, and overall it obligates them to be excluded  of the society.
Ramirez, Josue. Against Machismo: Young Adult Voices in Mexico. New York, NY, USA: Berghahn Books, 2008. Print.
This book is about how children in Mexico have survived gender norms in sometimes repressive homes and communities. Its overall aim is to explain to the analysis of class, gender, and coming of ages in Mexico City.
The reason why this book makes a good source is because it focuses on the structure of the machista family and how the men characters or personalities were constructed in the story. It also refers to how the exaggerated and aggressive behavior of the man machista affects the children development.
This book will be part into my research paper because it focuses in the idea of the article  named  Chicano Men and Masculinity by Zinn which reflects the negative consequence caused by a macho attitude toward the children. Furthermore, it  refers of how the macho was a figure around which students articulated gender strife and gender suffering. It reflected the emotions of primary relationships and feelings toward the father figure, especially when he was considered abusive or neglectful. For instance, "I report that the predominantly middle-class Mexican university students in my study did not consider macho a positive image. Nowhere was it a defender of the family, a symbol of responsible fatherhood, or a mature sense of “being a man." Ramirez (4).
Welland, Christauria and Ribner, Neil. Healing from Violenc : Latino Men's Journey to a New Masculinity. New York, NY, USA: Springer Publishing Company, 2007. Print.
This book refers how the Latino man avoids contact with his true Self, who sees the world from a position machista and of irresponsibility is unwilling to challenge the destructive social influence.
The reason why this book makes a important source for my research paper is because it reflects the machista man thoughts about his own life . He thinks it is easier to be irresponsible, for he does not know how to change himself or his society; he does not even think it is possible s in his culture.
This book's information will be part into my research paper because it focuses in the machista life and how it influences the children development. In addition, it focuses how man distances himself from his problems and avoids the pain and fear they cause him, through of his machismo. It also emphasizes in the in-depth the Latino men’s experience of their own abusive behavior, in the cultural context in which they move and make meaning for themselves.  For example; "If culture has such a broad effect on personality functioning, its importance when developing a treatment model for partner abuse cannot be overemphasized." Welland (52)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Annotated bibliopgraphy for Research Paper # 2

ENG 101.0800
Gladys Otavalo
Prof. Bogacka
November 19, 2010

Thesis: The machista behavior creates and develop an inadequate social identity in children and young men, it  also develops an aggressive and dominant personality, and overall it obligates them to be excluded  of the society.
Ramirez, Josue. Against Machismo: Young Adult Voices in Mexico. New York, NY, USA: Berghahn Books, 2008. Print.
This book is about how children and young men in Mexico have survived gender norms in sometimes repressive homes and communities. Its overall aim is to explain to the analysis of class, gender, and coming of ages in Mexico City.
The reason why this book makes a good source is because it focuses on the structure of the machista family and how the men characters or personalities were constructed in the story. It also refers to how the exaggerated and aggressive behavior of the man machista affects the children and young men development.
This book will be part into my research paper because it focuses in the idea of the article named  Chicano Men and Masculinity by Zinn which reflects the negative consequence caused by a macho attitude toward the children.

Welland, Christauria; Ribner, Neil. Healing from Violenc : Latino Men's Journey to a New Masculinity. New York, NY, USA: Springer Publishing Company, 2007. Print.
This book refers how the Latino man avoids contact with his true Self, who sees the world from a position machista and of irresponsibility is unwilling to challenge the destructive social influence.
The reason why this book makes a important source for my research paper is because it reflects the machista man thoughts about his own life . He thinks it is easier to be irresponsible, for he does not know how to change himself or his society; he does not even think it is possible s in his culture.
This book's information will be part into my research paper because it focuses in the machista life and how it influences the children and young men personality and behavior. In addition, it focuses how man distances himself from his problems and avoids the pain and fear they cause him, through of his machismo.

Quick Write

Measuring Father Involvement

The man's imagen  as father is very important in the child's development. In fact, children from families with co-resistent fathers usually fared better, on average and behavior. The father's inreaction, responsability and availabily will allow his own child develop their skills, abilities and knowledges toward child's future.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Final Draft-Research Paper # 1

Gladys Otavalo
Miss Bogacka
ENG 101.0800
November 15, 2010

The link of Masculinity and Magazines
Through time, the male gender has developed a true image through physical characteristics, behavior, attitude and virility. From a gender perspective it is important to understand that there are several types of masculinity in the U.S. Despite of physical features some forms of masculinity have just caused controversy, they have also idealized, refined and drawn a true model of masculinity, that of the "rock man". Their physical characteristics show and create their own image in advertising. Men's magazines have been the essential key to represent, understand and interpret the true meaning and  type of masculinity; They creates and recreates the wishes and expectations of a specific type of man in advertising. For instance, in the magazine GQ which is a popular men’s magazine, has published many articles about how a true masculinity is reflected in advertisement, the workplace, and around the whole world? In addition, men's magazines have allowed the readers to visualize a type of masculinity man that is reflected by his physical and facial features.  Masculine features in men’s magazine are necessary to reflect the ideal image of the mal
 First of all, although no doubt admit that the idea of how it is interpreted varies but is necessary to say that a strong and muscular body in all its angles is essential to convey the message of the product. Men's magazines advertising are focused on a main and common idea, which is based on building a healthy, strong, and dominant and at the same time intelligent in the male gender. Thus, men's magazine like GQ has got an interesting and influent male image.  In fact, in GQ men's magazine there is an article by Bill Prince called “Colin Firth who is the GQ man of the Year 2001”. It is about the life of Firth, a man who thanks to his strong masculinity has achieved a perfect life. Furthermore, his attitude and personality as a rude and sensual guy at the same time has allowed him to develop well in different acting roles in movies. Firth’s masculinity is one of the main factors that have helped him score points in his work and the significant appreciation of his public. His positive personality has also developed a strong element in his life, his love for the liberation of not having to win or compete with someone or have to expect others teach him about his attitude or personality. Finally, Firth’s specific portrayal of “manly”, “strong”, masculinity has helped him to continue his professional success in advertising. In addition, there is influential evidence on the development of masculinity in magazines in an interesting book called Creating Modern Man American Magazines and Consumer Culture, 1900-1950. It relates how men create the missing elements of masculinity through their development their work area which enabled them to establish their specific personality in advertising magazines. For example; it said: “Most editors and contributors to white magazines took an optimistic view of men’s prospects, finding ample prospects for men to realize their goals, whether they were personal or work related” (8). In addition, in the beginning of the century, males were encouraged to individuate themselves and by pursing a number of possible opportunities to the self expression as engaging in recreation, expressing an interest in image personal, or developing a personality pleasant were all presented as viable ways for men to express their masculine identity. Finally, men’s physical traits and a strong and detailed masculinity convey the true message of advertising to the public.
Secondly, men's magazines have pushed the male gender to perceive, symbolize and express their own masculinity through the image of men advertising. For that reason, masculinity has come to a realty show in each of its vast fields. Every man’s magazine strives to convey its message right through a different specific type of masculinity. For instance, GQ magazine published an interesting article called Ed Norton Just Wants It Perfect by John Brodie refers about  Edward Norton's life who gained a reputation as " man 1" in advertising. His power and strength led to the seduction of a big audience, especially his physical appearance has been a vital element to prove his strong and dominant masculinity. This fact has led him to a long and interesting career, which has become the most important actor of male actors of his generation. Furthermore, his character and attitude was never allowed to be satisfied simply by to be a male public figure, unlike, his crops literary sensibility had pushed him to overcome obstacles to maintain its role of masculine hero in advertising. Thus his personal life is showing signs of brilliance, strength and powers which have led to the top of fame. In retrospect, Edward Norton’ article seems to have been specific. Despite the difficult obstacles in his life, his masculinity and personality have led him to be a perfect model of man. Furthermore, in this influential book Creating Modern Man American Magazines and Consumer Culture, 1900-1950 reflects about how man and masculinity can be seen as crucial points in the males. Their specific dominance and strong allow them reflect an interesting and specific image of masculinity.  In fact, this book focused: “This image of the self-made man is crucial to my study, for most of those who wrote about masculine success in American magazines frequently paid homage to this enduring cultural ideal” (10). The lives of men are one of the most popular stories through advanced capitalist society because their behaviors and attitudes allow men to show expectations of power, strength and sensual and sexual competition which are essential foundations their performing in advertising magazine. Therefore, a specific personality and a strong body becomes a symbol of masculinity which means that masculinity is made through the body and what the body does. Definitely, masculinity is a big and significantly element in the most popular men's magazines.
Finally, most publicity reflects a specific and appropriate masculinity to present a particular interview or an article, which is regarded as a close and perfect relation between masculinity and person and/or masculinity and body. In fact, the GQ magazine published an article named   How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb A Survival Guide to the NFL's Quarterback Rating System By Steinberg which focused  to the secret crisis of obsession that many men suffer by getting or keeping a strong muscular body. Many men think that a rough and large body reflects a true masculinity, but it is not true. Unlike their obsession is affecting their masculinity image because they are taking steroids or supplements to improve their physical appearance. In fact, in a book titled  Live Flesh the Male Body in Contemporary Spanish Cinema  reflected “Muscularity was no longer reserved for the gods and the heroes: the implicit message seemed to be that anyone with a desire to obtain a more muscular body could have it, thanks to a combination of weightlifting, aerobic exercise and special nutrition. It was soon discovered that a large percentage of males were dissatisfied with their body image, in particular with their muscular tone. A 1994 survey found that 91% of US college men” and it also reflected “It was also discovered that dissatisfaction with one’s own body image has rapidly grown over the last two decades: the percentage of men dissatisfied with their muscle tone rose from 25%” (64). In this way, men should be aware that a strong and big body without a specific and interesting personality, attitude and intelligence does not reflect a true masculinity. In other words, masculinity is only not physical appearance, but also mental. The most important things to determine the type of masculinity in advertising are man's personality and strong body. This close relation will show power and dominance as a ”rock male” in the men's magazine.
Although different types of masculinity continue to generate controversy it is necessary to mention that kind of masculinity "rock male" reflects, creates and develops a true image of advertising in men's magazines through of their strong body and personality. Thus males can express the deep and intense advertising message through their physical appearance.

Works Cited
Brodie, John. “Ed Norton Just Want It Perfect” GQ. March 2001. Vol. 71. Print.
Fouz H, Santiago., and  Alfredo Martonez “Live Flesh the Male Body in
Contemporary Spanish Cinema”. New York. N.Y. 2007 (63-81).Print
Gilbert, Elizabeth. “My Life as a Man’. GQ. August 2001. Vol. 71. Print
Pendergast, Tom. “Creating the modern man: America Magazines and consumer culture,
1900-1950”. Columbia, Mo: U. of Missouri P.C 2000 P (269-283).
Price, Bill. “Colin Firth who is the GQ Men of the Year.” GQ. Oct. 2001.Vol. 71. Print.
Stenberg, Don “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb a Survival Guide
to the NFL's Quarterback Rating System” GQ. Oct. 2001 Vol. 71. Print

Friday, November 12, 2010

Worst Cited

Many years ago, I lived in my native country and I was eighteen when I had the worst date. The guy and me were to dance and he began to drink and after that he was so drunk, and began to dance as a crazy guy. Finally, I had to pay, left him in his house and had to come back alone to my house. I might never forgot  it

Proposal/ Research #2

ENG 101.0800
Gladys Otavalo
Prof. Bogacka
November 12, 2010

Nowadays, many people think that there is no longer a machista masculinity in society because women and men have the same rights and opportunities to achieve their purposes. However, others think that the role of the male is always and will be the authority and power in the family. For instance, in the case of Chicano man, machista behavior has not changed in the society, unlike he remains being aggressive, dominant and machista. In this way, I would like to talk about Chicano Men and Masculinity by Zinn because I strongly think that the Chicano men’s behavior is incorrect and inappropriate toward the society. It is affecting the development and growth of children, the Chicano women are not developing a professional role in society and finally, his authoritarian behavior has marginalized him from participating in society.
 The aggressive and dominant authority exercised by the Chicano men is impeding their children develop their own thoughts, feelings and opinions toward different situations of life. In fact, in the article Chicano Men and Masculinity by Zinn reflects the negative consequence caused by a macho attitude toward the children. Second, the exaggerated masculine behavior of the Chicano man is impeding that his wife unfolds in a professional area. El Chicano has a thought wrong about the specific role of woman in society. In an influential book called Young Adult Voices against Machismo in Mexico City reflects how an authoritarian, aggressive and domineering behavior affects the Chicano family's life, especially the woman. Finally, the Chicano man behavior is affecting his development in society. There is interesting information in an  book called Latino's men journey to a new masculinity by Welland is about how the male adequate behavior  allows man  develop or perform specific activities in important areas in the society. Therefore, the incorrect behavior of the Chicano man will conduct to negative consequences in the society.

Monday, November 8, 2010

First Draft of Research Paper #1

ENG 101.0800
Miss Bogacka
Gladys Otavalo
November 8, 2010

Masculinity and the link with the magazines
Through the time, the male gender has gone developing his true image through his physical characteristics, behavior, attitude and virility. From a gender perspective is important to understand that there are several types of masculinity in the world. Despite these physical features in some forms of masculinity have just not caused controversy, they have also idealized, refined and drawn true model of masculinity as "rock man". Besides their physical characteristics have been shown and created their own image in advertising. Men's magazine has been the essential key to represent, understand and interpret the true type of masculinity. It creates and recreates the wishes and expectations of a specific type of man in advertising. For instance, in the magazine GQ (2001), which is a popular men’s magazine, has published many article about how a true masculinity influence in advertisement, workplaces and around the whole world. In addition, the men's magazines have allowed to visualize what kind of man masculinity reflects through his physical and facial features. This fact has led to the formulation of some questions:
-How does the personality reflect a true masculinity in advertising?
- Is the masculinity a spectacle in men's magazines?
-Is a strong and hard body necessary for the men’s magazine advertising?
How does the personality reflect a true masculinity in advertising?
First of all, most publicity reflects a specific and appropriate masculinity to present a particular product, interview or simply an article, which is regarded as a close and perfect relation between masculinity and product, masculinity and person and/or masculinity and body.  In fact, in GQ men's magazine there is an article by Bill Prince called “Colin Firth who is the GQ man of the Year 2001”. It is about the Colin’s life. He is a man who thanks to his strong masculinity has achieved a perfect life. His attitude and personality as a tough guy have allowed developing well in different acting roles in movies. His masculinity is one of the main factors that have helped him score points in their work and the significant appreciation of their public. His positive personality  have also developed a strong element in his life, his love for the liberation of not having to win or compete with someone within have to expect others teach him  about his attitude or aptitude saying it is incorrect that he should be sexier or funnier. Finally, Colin's determinate masculinity has helped him to continue their professional success. In addition, there is influenced evidence on the development of masculinity in magazines in an interesting book called "Creating Modern Man American Magazines and Consumer Culture, 1900-1950." It relates how men create or recover the missing elements of masculinity through him developed in your work area which enabled them to establish their specific personality in advertising (magazines). In the beginning of the century, males were encouraged to individuate themselves and by pursing a number of possible opportunities to the self expression as engaging in recreation, expressing an interest in sexuality, self gratification, or developing a personality pleasant were all presented as viable ways for men to express their masculine identity. Finally, their physical traits of a strong and detailed masculinity convey the true message of advertising to the public.
Is the masculinity a spectacle in men's magazines?
Men's magazines have pushed the male gender to perceive, symbolize and express their own masculinity through advertising. For that reason, masculinity has come to a realty show in each of its vast fields. Today, every man’s magazine strives to convey his message right through a different specific type of masculinity. For instance, In an interesting article in GQ magazine, march 2001 "Ed Norton Just Wants It Perfect" by John Brodie refers about  Edward Norton's life who gained a reputation as the more intense gifted actor " man 1". His power and strength led to the seduction of a spectacular audience, especially His physical appearance has been a vital element to test his strong and dominant masculinity. This fact has led to a long and interesting career, which has become the most important actor of male actors of his generation. Besides his character and attitude was never allowed to be satisfied simply by to be a male public figure, unlike, his crops literary sensibility had pushed him to overcome obstacles to maintain its role of masculine hero in advertising. In fact, his personal life is showing signs of brilliance, strength and powers which have led to the top of fame. In retrospect, the article by Edward Norton seems to have been specific. Despite the difficult obstacles in his life, his masculinity and personality have led him to be a perfect model of man. Furthermore, in a influential book "Men and Masculinities: Theory, research, and social practice." by Chris Haywood, Martin Mac an Ghaill discusses about how man and masculinity can be seen as crucial points of intersection of different forms of power, stratification, subjective desire and identity formation. The lives of men are one of the most popular stories through advanced capitalist society because their behaviors and attitudes allow men to show expectations of power, strength and sensual and sexual competition which are essential foundations their male roles. For instance, Tolson (1977) pointed out connections between types of work that men do with the types of men they are, which leads them to identify their workforce development. His work often Entail establishing control over a specific personality and masculinity (p 31). Therefore, masculinities are produce in this essence right through work, in which the bodies are involved. In other words, a strong body becomes a symbol of masculinity which means that masculinity is made through the body work and what the body does. Definitely, masculinity is a big and significantly element in the most popular men's magazines.
Is a strong and hard body necessary for the men’s magazine advertising?
Although no doubt admit that the idea of how it is interpreted varies but is necessary to say that a strong and muscular body in all its angles is essential to convey the message of the product. Men's magazines are focused on a common and main idea, which is based on building a healthy, strong, and dominant and at the same time intelligent in the male gender. Thus, men's magazine like GQ has got an interesting and influent male image. In fact, the GQ magazine published in May 2001 an article about The Adonis Complex which refers to the secret crisis of obsession that many men suffer by getting or keeping a strong muscular body. Many men think that a rough and large body reflects a true masculinity, but it is not true. Unlike their obsession is affecting their masculinity image because they are taking steroids or supplements to improve their physical appearance. However, men should be aware that a body tough and big without personality and attitude do not reflect a true masculinity .In other words, masculinity is only not physical appearance, but also mental. The most important thing is to determine the type of masculinity and physical characteristics to develop a strong image in advertising. In fact, in men's magazines, there are different sections and are also different types of man, but if we focus on the most fashionable section, men do not reflect a rude or muscled body nor their facial features show power or dominance as a rock male. In contrast, they reflect a formal, delicate and sensual appearance in advertising.  In addition, companies try to develop and generate a huge list of products to use a strong or delicate male body at the time of publishing their product.
Although different types of masculinity continue to generate controversy it is necessary to mention that kind of masculinity reflects, creates and develops a true image of advertising in men's magazines. Through his masculine physical characteristics can express the deep and intense message of the product or article.
 Word Cited

v  Brodie, John. “Ed Norton Just Want It Perfect” GQ. March 2001. Vol. 71. Print.
v  Gilbert, Elizabeth. “My Life as a Man’. GQ. August 2001. Vol. 71. Print
v  Maywood C., and Mac an Ghaill M. “Men and Masculinities: Theory, research, and social practice”. Philadelphia. Pa, 2003. Print.
v  Pendergast, Tom. “Creating the modern man: America Magazines and consumer culture, 1900-1950”. Columbia, Mo: U. of Missouri P.C 2000 P (269-283).
v  Price, Bill. “Colin Firth who is the GQ Men of the Year.” GQ. Oct. 2001.Vol. 71. Print.
v  Sedgwick, John. “The Adonis Complex.” GQ. May 2001. Vol. 71. Print.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Reflection on Bromantic Comedy

English 101.0800
Magdalena Bogacka
November 6, 2010

Title of the movie: Wedding Crashers.
Director: David Dobkin
Actors/Performers (at least two): Owen Wilson (John Beckwith) and Vince Vaughn (Jeremy Grey).
Distributor: New Line Cinema
Year: 2005
Medium: Film

How do the main male characters behave in the movie toward other male characters? Toward female characters? Do you consider their behavior masculine? Why? Explain.
     The behavior of the main character is very influent over the other character  male  because your dominant and positive attitude drives him to be the perfect male model and popular for conquering women. On the other hand, their behavior toward women is of a gentleman which creates a real image of the perfect masculine.

Does what seems the movie place more emphasis on the relationship/bonds between males or between males and females? Are there any connections between the movie and the David Grazian discusses about males’ behavior in “The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity”?
     The movie places more emphasis on the relationship of men because it reflects the behavior and attitude of men towards women. The relationship between the movie and What David Grazian said "The Girl Hunt" is that in both cases the man is focused on his manhood to achieve his goal which is to conquer women every day.

What seems to be the ultimate message of the film? In order words, what ideas about men and masculinity do you, the viewer, walk away with from this film?
     The idea about men and masculinity that I look in the film is that a specific masculinity allows the man getting his true objective; in this case conquer women every day.

The movie Wedding Crashers is about the lives of two men who through his masculinity achieved to conquer many women every day. Those men John and Jeremy began to attend many weddings with the aim of conquering woman for that specific day .Both  of them are very intelligent, talk many different  languages, are professionals and overall they  have a good physical appearance all turn allow them to socialize in any wedding even though they're lying. Their main goal was to get a woman to that day no matter who they were or what they did. Consequentemente, one day his goal led them to the wrong place where they were  conquered, but there they realized what they were really doing with the women was differente  what they wanted for their lives. In fact, they  disappeared after each night of pleasure, until one of the men actually fell in love with the daughter of the president . He tried to do everything possible to continue with her, but unfortunately his lies came to light and the president and his family discovered they were lying about their identity. Finally, they stopped from  lying to women, and changed their  way of thinking about the female. Their masculinity was a perfect weapon to conquer women and achieves its goal.

Wok Cited
Weeding Crashers. Dir. David Dobkin. Perf. Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn. New Line Cinema, 2005. Film