Friday, November 12, 2010

Proposal/ Research #2

ENG 101.0800
Gladys Otavalo
Prof. Bogacka
November 12, 2010

Nowadays, many people think that there is no longer a machista masculinity in society because women and men have the same rights and opportunities to achieve their purposes. However, others think that the role of the male is always and will be the authority and power in the family. For instance, in the case of Chicano man, machista behavior has not changed in the society, unlike he remains being aggressive, dominant and machista. In this way, I would like to talk about Chicano Men and Masculinity by Zinn because I strongly think that the Chicano men’s behavior is incorrect and inappropriate toward the society. It is affecting the development and growth of children, the Chicano women are not developing a professional role in society and finally, his authoritarian behavior has marginalized him from participating in society.
 The aggressive and dominant authority exercised by the Chicano men is impeding their children develop their own thoughts, feelings and opinions toward different situations of life. In fact, in the article Chicano Men and Masculinity by Zinn reflects the negative consequence caused by a macho attitude toward the children. Second, the exaggerated masculine behavior of the Chicano man is impeding that his wife unfolds in a professional area. El Chicano has a thought wrong about the specific role of woman in society. In an influential book called Young Adult Voices against Machismo in Mexico City reflects how an authoritarian, aggressive and domineering behavior affects the Chicano family's life, especially the woman. Finally, the Chicano man behavior is affecting his development in society. There is interesting information in an  book called Latino's men journey to a new masculinity by Welland is about how the male adequate behavior  allows man  develop or perform specific activities in important areas in the society. Therefore, the incorrect behavior of the Chicano man will conduct to negative consequences in the society.


  1. This is an interesting topic for a research paper as you disagree with Zinn's article "Chicano Men and Masculinity." Zinn argues that Chicano men and their masculinity, which is often misread and misconstrued as detrimental to themselves, their children and women,needs to be analyzed more closely. You, on the other hand, are proposing that Chicano men, for the most part, do embody the negative type of masculinity, which Zinn sees as a stereotype. Also, I see you already conducted some research as you mention two books in your proposal. But in order to focus you paper, as attempting to discuss Chicano masculinity's negative impact on children, women and men's position in society is going to be difficult in a 3 page research paper, I would suggest that you focus on children, specifically male children and men. In other words, since the books you mention, Young Latino Voices against Machismo in Mexico City and Lation's men journey to a new masculinity (you correctly italicized the titles), deal with youth, their stand against old or Machismo masculinity and the movement towards a new masculinity, you should focus on new generation of young men who are trying to redefine the old standards of Chicano masculinity.

  2. Sorry I misspelled Latino's and wrote Lation's.
