Friday, October 15, 2010

Annotated Bibliography

ENG 101.0800
Prof. Magdalena Bogacka
Gladys Otavalo
0ctober 15, 2010

1. - Bret, E Carroll American Masculinity: Historical Encyclopedia
California State U-Stanislaus, P2003.Prints
In the book Bret, E Carroll described a specific way how the men have defined, imagined, experimented and explored male identify in a social context of the United States. It contains important information about masculinity.
            This source is appropriated and useful for my research paper because allows the opportunity for gaining new and interesting information about masculinity which would my mind about the male creating others points of view about the males characteristics and roles in many areas as intellectuals, professionals, leaders and the most important role as men.
             It will help me to develop an interesting research paper because its topics like body (56), Male Body Image Anxiety in the Late Twentieth Century (57), Bodybuilding (59), Mens Rights and the Costs of Masculinity, and others are focused in the mens image which depend on the media (advertising) to get a specific influence in United States society.

2. - Masculinity Wikipedia. 2008.Web 15 Oct. 2010
            The wiki content give enough information about Masculinity and advertising because it describes the mens abilities, characteristics and qualities which allow them reflect a attractive masculinity through of advertising. It also connects to others important webs which are referring to different topics about masculinity.
             This source is appropriated for developed of the research paper because their different topics like masculine physical attributes, biology and culture, media encouragement  and others topics are important facts in the mens life which develop a strong image of masculinity.
The Webs information is an important source of information and essential key for creating a strong thesis and achieving the main objective (an efficient research paper) about the best males image in advertising.

3. - Mens Exercise People Dec. 2010: N.P. Print
            This magazines maim objective is to show o powerful, strong and healthy image of masculinity through of advertising. It provides information how the man strengthens and exercises his body and mind for getting a true image of masculinity.
            This source has a lot of information about masculinity which would be useful and necessary to develop a good research paper. The information include in the magazine is a excellent motivation for men. The man would start to take care of their physical, mental and healthy appearance getting a strong and hard body and reflecting a shining image in advertising.
            The magazine has specific and interesting details how a man can get a rock body (28), also teaches to the man the best way to get an impressive and positive image as a model in advertising through of an interesting article Attitude vs. Aptitude (26). Finally, there are many topics about masculinity and advertising.

4. - Mens Fitness People May.2009 N.P Print.
This magazines objective is to encourage the men to exercise and strengthen their body, introducing in a better professional and habitual lifestyle. This magazines content is focused in building a strong males body.

The Mens Fitness Magazine is an appropriate and useful source of information to define how a strong and hard males body create and reflect a powerful masculinity which it is reflected in advertising. It also allow them to have excellence in their careers and success for getting their objectives.

This magazine provides a lot of information to develop a good thesis and therefore a good research paper.

1 comment:

  1. While your annotated bibliography follows the structure I outlined in the assignment, your sources are not satisfactory for this assigment. Please reread the assignment and complete it as required. You cannot use encyclopedia as sources for this project. You were asked to find 4 sources from a men's magazine (People's Magazine is not a men's magazine) which illustrate an aspect of masculinity. Where is your preliminary thesis? This needs to be redone.
