Friday, October 29, 2010

Outlines of the first Draft

ENG 101.0800
Prof. Magdalena Bogacka
Gladys Otavalo
0ctober 29, 2010

Masculinity and the link with the magazines
Thesis:  Men's magazine has been the essential key to represent, understand and interpret the true type of masculinity and the type of masculinity identifies and describes the message of the product
v  Haidey, Michael “Icon: Clint Eastwood”. Dec 2009 N.P. Print.
In most publicity especially in men's magazines such as GQ, reflects a specific and appropriate masculinity about famous men, Clint Eastwood, whom his masculinity and his character has allowed it to become a true male star.
This articles main objective is to show a optimistic and strong image of masculinity who got all his dreams. It provides very important information which is also useful for getting a true image of masculinity.

This article contains information about his professional life such as “He has made sixty-six movies. He's acted in fifty-seven and directed twenty-nine as about male product”, His life  is an excellent motivation source for men.

v  Jean Paul GAULTIER “Le Male”. Ad  GQ. Nov. 2010. N.P. Print.
The type of masculinity identifies and describes the message of the product. This advertisings objective is to show the close relation between masculinity and product. This source is very informative because reflects a strong type of masculinity such as male rock

For example, the perfume represented by a strong and muscular body can be interpreted as a subtle and bold or simply a scent of seduction The advertising is an appropriate and useful source of information to define how the image create and reflect a powerful type of masculinity in advertising.
Through his masculine physical characteristics can express the deep and clear message of the product. In other words, depending of the type of masculinity to represent and describe a particular product.
v  Seven Styles Mistakes . GQ . Oct. 2009.  212. Print.

Men's magazines have allowed to visualize what kind of man masculinity reflects through his physical and facial features. This magazines objective is to encourage the men to improve his physical appearance

 This article is focused on a common and main idea, which is based fashion for man. It also is useful to create a specific image about the types masculinity which it is reflected in fashion.
The physical appearances reflect the type of masculinity and masculinity reflects a strong image.

v  Pendergast,Tom. “Creating the modern man: America Magazines and consumer culture, 1900-1950”. Columbia, Mo: U. of Missouri P.C 2000 P (269-283).

In the book Pendergast, Tom describes how men were encouraged to work hard, to practice self-control, to dedicate themselves to a career or trade. Consequently, men experimented and explored male identify in a social context.

This source is appropriated and useful for my research paper because allows the opportunity for gaining new and interesting information about masculinity and how the male changed his mind about many different things in his life.
It will help me to develop an interesting research paper because its topics about masculinity, and his development in other areas are focused in the mens image and in the media.

v  Birth of the Cool: 20 Black Style Pioneers. GQ. Feb. 2019 N.P Print.
Men's magazines have pushed the male gender to perceive, symbolize and express their own masculinity through advertising. The magazines content give enough information about masculinity which describes the mens abilities, characteristics and qualities which allow them reflect a attractive masculinity.

The article objective is to disseminate their knowledge and experience to achieve a kind of masculinity strong physical, mental and healthy for all types of man. It is based on Black men’s life and how they became famous. In fact, it refers about Black History Month and the style legacy of men.
This source is appropriated and useful because the information about attributes, attitudes and conditions of the males are important factors  to develop strong masculinity

v  Roisman, Joseph. “Rhetoric of manhood masculinity in the Attic Orators”. Los Angeles: U of California P, 2005 XIV, 283P.
In the book Roisman, Joseph describe roles and responsibilities of the adult Male  how men developed and work hard  to keep his manhood.  Consequently, men experimented and explored male identify in a social context.

This source is appropriated and useful for my research paper because refers about masculinity and how the male changed his mind in many different things in his life.

It will help me to develop an interesting research paper because it is focused in the mens image in the past and responsibility in his life.

Word Cited
v  Birth of the Cool: 20 Black Style Pioneers. GQ. Feb. 2019 N.P Print.
v  Haidey, Michael “Icon: Clint Eastwood”. Dec 2009 N.P. Print.
v  Jean Paul GAULTIER “Le Male”. Ad. GQ. Nov. 2010. N.P.  Print.
v  Pendergast, Tom. “Creating the modern man: America Magazines and consumer culture, 1900-1950”. Columbia, Mo: U. of Missouri P.C 2000 P (269-283).
v  Roisman, Joseph. “Rhetoric of manhood masculinity in the Attic Orators”. Los Angeles: U of California P, 2005 XIV, 283P.
v  Seven Styles Mistakes  GQ . Oct. 2009.  212. Print.


  1. The source, ad for Gaultier's cologne is from 2010 and your 3 other primary sources are from 2009? I'm assuming 2019 is a typo in source on "Birth of Cool"?
    You need to review the assignment. I'll e-mail you my comments shortly. Please read them carefully.

  2. This is not an outline. It looks like an annotated bibliography. Please follow the formal outline structure, which we used for Paper#1: Ad Analysis, to compose an outline for your research paper.
